Google AdWords Editor 6.5 Review

Last week I learned that AdWords Editor 6.5 is out, I thought I’ll give it a short review. Google AdWords Editor is a very powerful windows (or mac) application which enables Google AdWords advertisers create and edit campaigns from the ease of the desktop, much faster and with ability to run very nice tips and tricks to create complex campaigns.

I downloaded and installed the new version, and below are my findings.

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Hitwise: Google Receives 71% Market Share in the US


Google is gaining market share, says Hitwise. According to Hitwise’s latest report, Google receives 71% market share of searches, while Yahoo! receives 18.26%, MSN (Live) receives 5.32%, receives 3.45% and the remaining 46 other engines accounted for 1.95% all together.

Search Engines Market Share US 08 2008
Search Engines Market Share US 08 2008

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Google AdWords Conversion tracking: Site Stats logo is now optional

Google AdWords
Google AdWords

I just received an email from Google AdWords stating that the annoying “stats by Google” box on the conversion pages will now be optional. This seems a really good move on their part.

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Google Quality Score Update now Live

Google Quality Score update has started to take effect on my accounts. In a previous post I covered the upcoming Google Quality Score changes. It seems last few days the change started to show on my accounts, and the outcome is quite interesting. Google is now sharing with us a real rank – score of 0 to 10 out of 10 possible points, and when our score is low they recommend us the necessary changes in order to improve our quality score! Continue reading “Google Quality Score Update now Live”