Ophir’s Twitter Updates for 2008-08-19

  • New day, new beginning…. ? naaa…. #
  • checking my youtube account. do\\found this cool piece once again 馃檪 http://tinyurl.com/3y3e85 #
  • @webshark there should be some microsoft DOM toolbar #
  • @rustybrick Hi Barry. You guys need to improve some stuff on sphinn. want my tips? #
  • @ranh cool man. keep it up #
  • @evilgreenmonkey HI I have a few important tips for sphinn’s performance. interested? #
  • @rustybrick thanks dude. tracked him down 馃檪 #
  • @ranh huge man. what is this goof for? (dont tell me its real pls) #
  • @ranh ok man I called their 073 and someone callcenter is answering and capturing leads. it’s frightening.. but it seems real…!!! #
  • Interviewing accountants. Anyone have any GOOD candudates? #
  • @joelucas Hey man do you work at Enquisite now? send some info… #

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Ophir’s Twitter Updates for 2008-08-18

  • @JasonCalacanis Interesting article. I liked the last clause best 馃檪 #
  • @Talsiach thanks dude. what are you up to these days? #
  • @Talsiach cool I’ll b happy to hear more, perhaps something of interest to me? #
  • back to the office – 2 meetings outside – was kinda fun 馃檪 #
  • starting a session on SMO – cool 馃槈 #
  • working on ForexFace.com. It’s a good thing, I know – but what is the best path? #
  • Back home. upgrading wordpress to 2.6.1 #

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I’m (finally) on Twitter…

I was trying to avoid it for a long while, but I finally caved. I signed up for a Twitter account today and started my era of Micro Blogging. I hooked a few friends, but Twitter did not like my Gmail list too much, and said they will try again later… well – we’ll see about that.

So now it’s time for me to give you my twit – it’s http://twitter.com/ophirc and I’m looking forward to micro-blog with you all 馃槈 (it’s also on my sidebar connected via twitter tools plugin


Google Adwords Phishing Email


A few weeks ago I received a phishing email (I get a lot of those) but for the first time the phishing concept was themed with Google Adwords.

This post covers:

1. About the Google Adwords Phishing Scam

2. The Marketing Effect on Google Adwords


Ophir Continue reading “Google Adwords Phishing Email”