Speaking at the Meetup with Jeff Pulver :-)

This Thursday (August 28th 2008) Compucall will be hosting a Meetup with Jeff Pulver, in ZOA House (Beit Tzioney America), on 26 Eben Gvirol street, at 9:00 AM, in Tel Aviv.

“The August meetup is going to feature a new, stronger social networking
framework, and a motivational talk by Jeff Pulver (www.pulver.com).”

The Meetup is organized by the Tel Aviv-Yafo Entrepreneurs! group, established in May 2007, held 14 meetups and registered so much as 620 members. The group is lead by Mr. Gadi Guy and Ms. Or-Tal Kiriati

“Meet a new network of local entrepreneurs to share tips and problem
solving techniques, get advice on profitability and career and discuss
mentoring and business models. Swap business cards and watch your
personal business directory grow”

I’ll be giving a short presentation during the event. I only have a short time frame so I haven’t decided just yet what my session will focus on – as the audience is versatile I do not want to take it too much to either tech stuff or biz stuff – Right now it seems we’re going to talk about “SEO 2.0” or more specifically – how can web sites in the 2.X era optimize for better user experience and better search engine optimization, especially in the world of universal search i.e. search, products, video, images, news, blogs, articles, social content etc.

Looking forward to meet new people 🙂


SphinnCon Israel – Event Summary

Well it’s now 23:09 and I just got back home… It has been a really long and exciting day for me.

SphinnCon Israel was an exciting event. I am not familiar with the final number of guests, but for my eyes it seemed very similar to ~200 SE’ enthusiasts mingling, networking, debating, eating, drinking etc.

In a way, it reminded me my first SES event I attended in Munich back in 2002 – Small, cozy – and most important – Getting the local industry together in one place, for the first time ever. Continue reading “SphinnCon Israel – Event Summary”